RSPB Shop April2024

42 Delivery is free when you spend £50 Products containing wood, paper and card from well-managed forests and other controlled sources. Independently certified in accordance with the rules of the Forest Stewardship Council ® TT-COC-003511. Only products that are identified as such in this catalogue are FSC ® certified. Shopping the sustainable way Wherever possible, we choose products that are made in the UK. This limits the transportation involved and helps smaller, more local businesses thrive in difficult economic times. In some cases however, the more sustainable option requires us to source from overseas. For example, the environmental benefits of using materials like recycled p astics and organic cotton (that may not be avai able in the UK) far outweigh the negatives of additional travel involved. Look out for this logo in the catalogue and online. This indicates products that are made from sustainably-sourced paper or wood. UK made